7 Business Lessons from a $22 Million Business

Shehraj Singh
1 min readJun 20, 2022

1/ Prepare for double: Always prepare for your business to grow twice as fast as it is currently growing. This way, you’ll never find yourself in a situation where you can’t handle the growth.

2/ Don’t punish others for one’s mistakes: When one customer does something wrong, don’t punish others.

No need to create those strict policies

3/ Either It’s Hell Yeah! or no: Whenever you’re considering doing something, ask yourself if it’s a “hell yeah!” If it’s not, then don’t do it.

4/ Keep It Simple: The more complicated your product is, the less likely it is to succeed. Keep it simple so that people can understand it and use it.

5/ Strength of little customers: You don’t need a few big customers to succeed. You can make a great business with a lot of small customers.

6/ It’s Okay to quit: Don’t feel like you have to stick with something just because you started it. If it’s not working, then it’s okay to quit.

7/ Okay to be casual: Don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s okay to be casual with your employees

These lessons were curated from the book “Anything You Want” by Derek Sivers

