5 Tools to help you consume content faster…

Shehraj Singh
1 min readJun 23, 2022

1/ Instapaper

Ever Hopped on an interesting article but didn’t have time to read it. Instapaper allows you to save these articles and read them later offline.

It helped me immensely to catch up on reading during my free time.

2/ ThreadReaderApp

Want to enjoy a long read but don’t want to scroll through a bunch of tweets? ThreadReader unrolls Twitter threads so you can read them like an article

3/ 2–3x Speed

I use the 2–3x speed player on my phone to help me listen to podcasts and audiobooks faster.

This helped me get through content a lot quicker and I was able to retain most of the information too

4/ Spotify

This is my go-to podcast app. I love how I can just search for any topic and there’s bound to be a podcast on it

5/ Mail Brew

Your life will be much easier if you unsubscribe from all the newsletters you’re never going to read.

But if there are some that you actually want to read, use Mailbrew to compile them into a daily or weekly digest.

6/ Feedly

This one helps me to keep up with all the blogs I follow. I can easily categorize them and read them at my own pace.

